Yesterday during P. #1's soccer game, I headed back to the garage sale I had seen signs for on the way. Los Altos is an affluent town with lots of nice fancy houses and expensive cars, so I had high hopes. This one was actually IN the garage rather than out in the yard or driveway, so that was the first hint I got that it was actually an estate sale.
Seems the owner had recently passed away...an 89 year old woman, whose daughter and granddaughters were heading up the sale, everything that was left after the family had taken their pick. I fell for the little ceramic bird above, as I love all things with nests. Never mind that it has a few chips.

The garage held many treasures, though by 10:30 (when I arrived) it had evidently been picked over pretty well. I snatched up these wonderful bento boxes, naturally. They also stack.

Then the woman's daughter ushered me upstairs. "There's a lot more inside." She was right...there was a lot more, including
the unmistakable presence of the woman herself. Sometimes it sucks being psychic. I did my best to ignore her. She seemed worried...confused...and especially upset that someone had ripped up the carpet and removed the bathroom fixtures in
her house. I grabbed these wooden utensils, admiring the smooth patina and contrasting shapes. Then I hustled back down to the garage again.

I spent a good amount of time rummaging through boxes. Thankfully the garage was ghost free. I loved this wonderful wrapping paper, some still in its original packaging.

This neat little celluloid crumb catcher still works well to clean the tablecloth after dinner, and bears the original Fuller Brush seal on the back. (Anybody remember the Fuller Brush man? My mom used to buy a very effective stain remover spray from him.)

But my favorite score of all? After all, dear readers, lest we forget
this is a knitting blog.... Bernat's Gloves and Mittens for the Family, made even sweeter by the granddaughter's nonchalant, "Oh, it's OK, just take it." I was elated.
Thank you, dear Grandma, and may you soon enter a sweet place of peace, ready to move on to your next big adventure. Your treasures will be truly appreciated.