Yesterday I was so nervous. It was my first time back at my guild meeting! These lovely and talented ladies meet the second Saturday of every month to spin, chat, and revel in creativity and fiber together.
Dh snapped this picture at the front of the building. I have carefully wrapped my wheel in a snug blanket...this will do until I snag that carrying case I have my eye on.
Hmmmm.....denim, or tapestry?
Enter within and you will see just about every type of wheel you could imagine. There was even a drop spindler in evidence...spinning magenta silk like floss. Flyers hum, lazy kates squeak, and bobbin after bobbin is filled with color and texture unique to the creator.

The guild ladies are the sweetest, most helpful bunch that a beginning spinner could ever hope to meet! We gather in an old grange hall located between acres of farmland, out on Reservation Road near Salinas. For $12 a year I receive access to meetings, make new friends, and get unlimited help and support. No question is too dumb, and believe me I asked a LOT of questions about my new wheel.

The hostess soon took me under her wing. There were four of us using the same Lendrum model...I had her take me through the methods of changing to the plying flyer, where and how to oil, and finally, the most exciting lesson - Navajo plying! I took to it quickly and now love, love love this simple, perfect technique that preserves the colorway of your yarn and creates no waste.

Then, the pot luck, nothing less than delicious, no item left untasted. Ah, this is the life! I was in a pink cloud all day, feeling so welcomed, so inspired, and so pleased with my end result...
Pictures soon!