The ranch is located up Ocean Street, at the opposite end from the Boardwalk. Things get pretty rural up here, you'd never guess you were just a few minutes from downtown.

There was wool for sale, however my stash is sufficient at present. I was surprised when I took inventory back home afterwards; I have at tleast this many colors I've picked up here and there...

Brrrr! Feels chilly when you lose your pants like this.

Cute kids set up their farm stand and sold "Lite Lunch":

Half a muenster cheese sandwich on rye bread with pickle; a small handful of greens, lemonade and a homemade cookie for five dollars? I'm in!

Persimmon trees guard the edge of the property. There were lots of kids up these trees...

And beneath them, women gathered to craft. The shepardess was most generous with her materials... I started yearning from a set of carders for Solstice.

The sheep all huddled in the corner. Forgive me but I forget what kind these are...Romsney perhaps? Very cute and wooly here!

Shearing a sheep is not like, say, peeling a banana. There are more curves and personal parts to look out for. The shearer was gentle yet firm. As soon as he got the sheep completely off her feet, she was totally docile. It was funny to watch them struggle when being caught, and then just relaxing into the process.

The wool was prolific. I believe the Shepardess ships it out to be processed, a job too big and time consuming to be done without special equipment I imagine.
I'm sorry this little business does not have a website. It was a magical morning.