happy birthday Randy

OK, I've noticed all of you wondering...when is she going to post some knitting news?! After all, this is supposed to be a knitting blog. Well, there's good news and bad news. First, dh didn't mind that I couldn't get his socks done on time for his birthday. I'm down to the heel turn on the first sock, and with concentrated effort I can probably finish them soon. I'm glad I chose a very very basic pattern, because I am (finally) enjoying the project. HOWEVER I will NOT get them done in time to earn my Olympic medal. *sigh* Yes, like many other athletes, I am feeling the agony of defeat, and will have to wait four more years to try to prove myself again. (Or maybe two, if we try a summer games challenge, eh?) I can only gather comfort in the sheer number of knitters I know (ahem!) that are feeling the same pain. And for those of you who will no doubt be flaunting those gold medal buttons in your sidebars soon...I applaud you.
Anywho, I was feeling a little guilty because suddenly, the blog was taking life in its own hands...it wanted family posts, crafting posts, and nice pictures for their own sake (love the food shots!) Does this happen to other people too? And does anyone really care?! If anyone lurking out there would be willing to put in their 2 cents, I'd relish a little feedback. Hello? (Oh and I recently fixed the comments thingy so anyone in the world can comment, even anonymously.)
And for all the people wishing I'd get back on track, stay tuned for some VERY EXCITING SPINNING NEWS.....hint: it's about a girl, a wheel, and a plan. More coming!