what santa brought

Yes, it's true. Finally, my very own wheel. Not some broken cast - off; no way baby. It's a brand new Lendrum double treadle complete package, and it's mine, all mine!!! How on earth did Santa know? Or more specifically, was I really that good?

I'm going with yes. Okay, I knew the box was in the closet. I dreamed of ripping it open and laying out the pieces. But when it came right down to it, Christmas morning, I got a little worried. Did I really deserve this? Am I really so dedicated? Do I have a clue how to put it together? Not to mention spinning on the darned thing.

Because "Santa" was still watching. Tentatively I tore away the wrappings...gingerly I laid out the wheel. It is silky smooth and smells like a fresh tree. I smoothed out the directions. "Set the frame on the floor. Straighten the drive band. Unscrew the frame knob and remove it from the frame." So that's how it folds up! "Unfold the frame and lift the wheel...." It was all too simple. It was all to perfect. Perfect in its beautiful simplicity.

The world has fallen away (witnessed by the picture above)...I am a spinner, at long last. Disregard the mess please, and focus on my beautiful, wonderful, perfect, simple wheel. I settled on the Lendrum because so many of my guild member friends had one. Now I know why. It's PERFECT, and so easy to use...I am spinning, dishes be damned...
The weird ball you see next to the wheel is some merino pin roving I've had since last February...I call it witch's hair, though dh thinks it looks more rasta - like. In any case, I've had not a snitch of trouble with anything I've tried spinning so far. I'm entranced!
A "complete package" means it came with a fast flyer and a plying head, both of which are yet to be explored. Meanwhile, you know where to find me.