OK Secret Pal, here it comes. More About Me.
1. I used to knit with anything. I do not consider myself a snob, but I appreciate quality. I like to find bargain yarn in unusual places...garage sales, thrift stores, etc. BUT ultimately I really really like nice wool. I don't AVOID R.H. and L.B. but I don't exactly seek them out. I do do do like natural fibers; I don't love silk, but wool or other earthy animally stuff makes me giddy. Stuff I used to do but don't any more: fun fur, eye lash, anything squeaky or shiny. Over it. I'm really not into fuzzy or hairy yarn, but I like lumpy bumpy or other interesting textures. The more homespun, the better!!!
2. I spin and I LOVE IT. I do not crochet (yet).
3. I store my straight needles in a homemade needle case. I bought the various fabrics at the thrift store and used the pattern from Stitch and Bitch. I wrap my circulars up into the same case, but it's not too efficient. I had my dp's in an acrylic drinking glass next to my bed, but my 3 yr old kept grabbing them, so I dumped them into an old knitting bag and stuffed them into the top of my closet.
4. I have been knitting a little over 3 years. My skill level is intermediate, and rising fast baby. I'm not afraid to tackle complicated patterns and if I can't figure it out, I'll look it up, in a book or on the net. I NEVER give up.
5. I don't have any online wish lists, but would love to find out how to make one.
6. My favorite scents: gardenia, plumeria, jasmine, rose, vanilla, brown sugar, mango, coconut, banana. Also sheep, horse and wet dog. ; )
7. I don't really crave sugar, but I enjoy candy. My favorite candy is usually chewy: caramels, jelly beans (especially black!), orange slices and Japanese rice candy. I like chocolate but don't swoon over it.
8. I am a collage artist and I do at least one magazine collage a month. I love love love to cook. I am an expert seamstress, but don't do it so much any more (I did it for a living for awhile - understand?!) I love home decorating, especially using stuff you already own in fresh new ways. I garden a little, paint and draw a little, love to organize stuff.
9. I like mellow music: Stevie Wonder, reggae, New Age, classical. I have an iPod.
10. Colors I love: pink, purple, green. I like all clear colors generally found in nature. Don't like army green, beige or anything named "dusty". My color preferences generally swing with the seasons: brights in summer, pastels in spring, jewel tones in winter, etc. White is lovely but impractical for my lifestyle.
11. My family situation is endearingly complicated. I am married with one girl, Princess #2 (3). I have two girls from a prior marriage: horsey girl (11) and Princess #1 (14). Princess #1 lives with xh most of the time. Horsey girl lives with me 1/2 time. In addition, I have three dogs, eight cats, five hens, two rats, and soon a horse..."but the unicorn was the loveliest of all."
12. I like scarves and hats. I have never worn mittens (I'm a California Girl), but I would like to try. Not sure about ponchos....I have one but don't wear it. Probably would prefer a shawl or wrap.
13. My favorite yarn is homespun, hands down.
14. My least favorite yarn is synthetic. I do *not* like fuzzy, fringy, or otherwise *fun* stuff.
15. My current knitting obsession is socks. Socks! Socks! Socks! I can't stop typing it. I also enjoy finding projects to fit my homespun, not matter how meager or inventive. I like to try new things...
16. My favorite things to knit are fairly quick: hats, scarves, socks, headbands, etc. I do have the stamina for larger projects, but I crave more instant gratification. I like to knit for gifts.
17. Right now I am knitting a garter stitch vertically striped scarf and some shadow work socks for the 6sox knitalong (OK, I've only cast on the first one - and I need to frog some on that!) Strangely enough, I have closure issues and that means I am rarely working on more than one item at a time. Perhaps with experience that will change. I alreadly notice that I crave different projects in between similar ones: after my last socks, I really needed that scarf to take the edge off.
18. I absolutely LOVE homemade gifts - the homier, the better!!!
19. I am still figuring out circular needles, though I have a small collection. I don't prefer one to the other, mainly due to lack of experience I suppose.
20. Bamboo or wood needles are my favorites, but I'll try anything! I love finding old used needles in unlikely places (garage sales, etc.)
21. I scored a center pull ball winder for Christmas this year! But I REALLY want a niddy noddy.
22. I taught myself to knit with a kit when I was pregnant with Princess #2. It took a long time. Luckily, her Highness was 2 weeks late. The unlovely resulting hat has long since been misplaced.
23. My oldest UFO is also my only. It is a wrap sweater from Vogue Knitting 2002 in a "dusty rose". Upon close examination this wool is exactly something my mother would have chosen, hence the "UFO" classification. I will probably never knit this thing, but what to do with ten skeins of raw hamburger colored sport weight? The last straw was the stitch pattern, the horrific moss stitch. Somebody shoot me.
24. I'm too old for cartoons, but I love horses, dogs, cats, goats and (naturally) sheep. Horses probably top the list. I just inherited one and she is coming home soon!
25. Being Pagan, I enjoy all the natural holidays. Spring Equinox is lovely, followed by Summer Solstice and the accompanying revelry. Autumn is tough since it means the waning of the Light (I'm a Sun Sign). I like Winter Solstice and Christmas because I like presents!!! In between we have Candlemas (2/2) and Eostara, both nice in their own way. Spring is new beginnings and fresh starts, always appealing.
26. I collect books by Alexandra Stoddard; I am missing only her first, Design For Living. I also collect old magazines for collage work, unusual fabrics, and vintage knitting patterns.
27. I have no knitting magazine subscriptions! I'd like Knit.1 and Spin Off.
28. As for books, I'd love anything by Elizabeth Zimmerman, especially Knitting Without Tears (the older the copy the better)
29. Someday I Will Knit Lace.
30. (See question #15) My foot measures 10 inches x 3 1/4 inches.
31. My birthday is August 14, 1964.
Whew! I think I learned a lot too!!! Blessings.