lady of leisure
This little orange fairy seems intent on something. Here she meditates with a tiny graceful finger poised over her majick screen...
Aha! In a stroke of generosity, dh has bought me a laptop. The joy! The freedom! The ability to feel like a real student now. After all, there is a thesis to write, in just fourteen short months or so.
Meanwhile, Little P. tests out online video game possibilities.
Did I mention that our camera was stolen and subsequently replaced in the last month? It's good to be back, but I've obviously lost all talent in the focusing area. This corner of Little P.'s world shows a couple of thrifted wall hooks, her laundry basket (!) and toys left forgotten in the interest of technology.
Not to say, of course, that we don't read. This book was a gift from a former student's family and we devour a chapter each night. After we are done with this one I happily anticipate delving into my collection of colored Fairy books.
Meanwhile we are practicing our computer skills on this amazing gift of new MacBook.
Thanks so much honey.