It's been twenty years since I've been to Disneyland. Yes, I had mixed feelings about it. Coming from the cool, clean, quiet forest to the jam - packed frenzy of the Magic Kingdom seemed daunting at best. But I'll say, once you are actually in the park and you catch a glimpse of (you guessed it)
Sleeping Beauty's Castle, well it's all downhill from there folks.
The plaque beneath the statue reads, "It all started with a mouse." My favorite myth about Walt Disney is that rather than actually dying, he was frozen in a specialized time capsule and will be defrosted when his visionary dreams become reality. Um, flying cars anyone?!

Astride the carasoul, our first (and friendliest!) ride, I couldn't help but notice the picture inset above my horse: the fateful moment, and where the blog began.... a sign indeed, n'est-ce pas?

I love all the little details here...the architecture, the attention paid to every nook and cranny, "lands" blending seamlessly together...in Fantasyland there were so many lovely little diversions, including this tiny house. Of course in Santa Cruz something like this would cost upwards of $400K.

And here she, is my namesake...the lovely Princess Aurora (though as I always tell P. #2, "Honey, if you are the princess, guess what that makes me?"). Here she weaves a tale of love and romance near the Princess Fantasy Faire stage. This is a dreamy place to rest, take a little refreshment, and watch the wide - eyed four year old become entranced...

Another view of the Fantasy Faire, where little budding princesses took lessons in curtsying, waving, and other fanciful arts of the court. The styling here is impeccable, every flower fresh and the actors always smiling. Ah, youth!

I couldn't resist a snap of this spinning wheel, glimpsed through a window on Main Street. Good heavens, how in the world does it work? Upon close inspection I was conviced that it's either missing parts or has been assembled in a most haphazard manner and rendered unusable...but it was a good sign anyway. (Cue the ghostly voice: "Hoooow loooong has it beeeeen since you've spiiiiiiiiiiinned......")

Dh, clowning around in the hat shop. He makes a pretty good pirate, and after three days of walking a jillion miles, had the tempermant to match.

Our little family, sans the big girls, who were sorely missed. We are posing just outside of the Winnie the Pooh ride, after a jag in the candy store (don't ask). Dh is hoping for a big yield like this one from his hives next year...oh did I mention we are getting
bees? More on that later.
My hat was the first, and best, purchase of the trip. After a slight ribbon change I believe it will be the chapeau of the summer.

A trip to remember, to be sure. Big thanks to my sweet mil for hoisting the P. off around 9 each night so hubby and I had a little time alone (just me, him, and 100,00 other people on Spring Break!) We walked, we rode, we screamed, we laughed, and we ate...and ate....and ate...
What are vacations for, anyway?
Plan for the weekend: recover from vacation, and try to get some rest! Thanks for coming by.