f my life
I have been going nonstop since school began. I have been driving..... a LOT. I have been Super Mom, attending pasta feeds with homemade cake, going to two Back to School Nights, organizing homework and library books and lunches pour toi. So many good times with my girls, and a few with my horse in there too.
I am exhausted.
A few weeks ago my horoscope warned that I would be accident prone; beware of fire, and knives, and bumping my head. Duly I have been wearing my sporty riding helmet. Yesterday my huge horse, who is apparently not afraid of any obstacles, took me through a gate and I scraped my leg really bad. This after almost slicing the end of my thumb off on the paper cutter last Thursday.
Maybe it's the change of seasons (my laundry outside getting soaked by the rain, following a week of 100 degrees) but I am feeling my mortality more than usual. The garden has swathes of dead stalks and areas of decay. My body feels like it is heading south. I want to rest.
In addition, I really miss my blahg. I try repeatedly to post and find the process too bothersome here at home. Blogger is tediously slow and unpredictable through my air card up here. Work takes up most of my available time to post anyway. But I will not give up! Maybe just download less pictures.
Meanwhile it's about Three Sisters Chili, rambunctious cats enjoying their first- ever rain, getting King (and myself!) ready for the Summit Riders Playday in one week, oatmeal with homemade applesauce, and keeping my spirits up when my body feels down.