Sunday, January 04, 2009


Vacation is over. The gingerbread house never really happened this year, but we tried. I set the remains into the center of my garden. This year, I will have a garden, and I made a little faery offering to help the energy along.

December is done, we are well into the new year. I bought and ate a lot of fruit and vegetables these last two weeks. I was faithful with my green smoothie routine, and had time to juice as well. I drank carrot and beet juice. I made a raw apple pie (recipe from Ani's Raw Kitchen, and worth the price of the whole book) and took it to a New Year's party. Yum, it was a hit!

Little P. and I got to hang out, read together, stretch out on the deck in the sun, write, paint, draw, scribble, knit (a little), play games on the laptop (above).

I tried out raw recipes, bought more raw food books, and generally obsessed. I ate raw until dinner most days. I made huge salads loaded with real, live food, and devoured them. I am learning how filling these foods are. Seems when something is more nourishing, it is more filling. You don't need a whole lot of real food to feel satisfied.

The salad above has raw taco "meat", onions, and vibrant lemon vinagrette, along with seven kinds of veggies and romaine lettuce.

Trying to tune in to what my body says to this question.


Anonymous Lee said...

Thank yyou for sharing this

9:59 PM  

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