Saturday, January 24, 2009

raw, rawer, rawest

I first started this raw eating idea in the summer. I have bought every book, read every blog, downloaded every recipe and joined every forum you can imagine. I started juicing around the middle of June I think; I ate high raw, but bad everything else then, including too much alcohol.
Well, I was on vacation, wasn't I? I enjoyed all the fruit and salads, but by mid-afternoon I was ready for baked things like good bread, pizza, and my famous macaroni and cheese with egg (horsey girl's much requested favorite). I loved how the juice made me feel, though, and my urge for coffee dropped away easily.

This next picture was taken on my birthday in mid-August.

When school started, it was harder to make juice since I was short on time in the mornings. So I started with the green smoothies. I have been drinking about a quart of green smoothie every day since the end of August. I absolutely crave this. Last month, I started eating raw until dinner. I have my smoothie, then fruit around ten or so. I used to want protein at this time, and would usually eat nuts or a string cheese. Now I'm cutting dairy and I feel just fine on fruit alone (I always mix two or more kinds, and I mix ordinary things like apples with fun things like blueberries or kiwi.)

Here I am at the end of October. Do I look different to you?

ND says my aura has changed. I can tell you that my skin doesn't seem as wrinkly; my hair is really soft and shiny - I only have to wash it once a week. And I've lost some weight. The most astonishing part is my mental clarity and high energy. I'm just not exhausted at the end of the day any more! I'm in a good mood and feel loving and expansive in a new way.

Anyway, after the fruit I have a huge salad with raw dressing for lunch, about twelve o'clock. After school I still indulge in a small amount of dark chocolate. And instead of beer, I am totally hooked on Kombucha after school. It's highly carbonated, and has a slight alcohol taste so my mind is tricked out of its usual craving. When I get home, there are many chores to be done, and then I cook myself and ND and Lil P. a nice vegan dinner. Most nights it's a whole grain like brown rice or quinoa with roasted veggies or a baked sweet potato. Sometimes, like tonight, I make some nice organic bean stew with lots of greens.

As I was browising my photos for a pic of me to upload onto an online class website (yes, school has started for real!), I noticed how very few pictures I have of myself. Since comparing these two images, I am curious now to track my progress visually... In a couple more months it might be interesting to compare again....

News flash: We are heading to Paradise again! And not a moment too soon. Hmmm, I wonder if I could live in Hawaii for a week and just eat local, organic fruit?.....


Blogger LauraJ said...

oh my, yes i do see a different! you look younger! really you do! :D I wish I had your zest for juicing. Ha funny pun there. I just wish I had the wherewithall to eat much better.

2:59 PM  

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