horsey girl

Horsey Girl had her last home game last night. She is a sophomore playing JV. She makes lots of points.
She is a fast swimmer. But last Spring she quit the swim team (encouraged for WP players) because the coach was very cruel.
I can't help feeling proud when I see these pictures. I was so glad ND came to the game to watch too. Then I ate pizza.
When I first saw this one, I couldn't detect the second girl. Horsey Girl said, "That's 'cause I'm drowning her, Mom."
That's my girl.
And you should see her ride a horse!
Lol, I made the costume for little A. :) I can barely get the head over my own head-wanted to gauge the size. I sure hope I can get it over his head!! If I have to vaseline his head to get it on I will! :) Thank you!
she rocks ! great pictures. yes i want to see her ride
relived the fire is out! just the one inside
peace out Raga
she looks a lot like mama! you ooze with pride. :)
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