Wednesday, October 25, 2006

fun with pumpkins

Last Friday, we headed out to the ol' pumpkin patch. Luckily here in Santa Cruz there are many organic options. I love the color of these...
...and the shapes and textures here. We had a terrific time browsing around. This particular patch had some resident clowns that told stories, stuffed chickens perched on hay bales, even and old tractor to climb on.
P. #2 found so many that she "wanted", we started to get a little worried. Could we pay for them all? Could we carry them to the car?!

Luckily the management had thought of everything. Here's a pic of our haul. The bigger ones were marked down considerably since their stems had snapped off. What a deal! One for dad, one for mom, three for the sissies and of course a few extras for the dogs.

Ever eager, we slashed right in. It's been wonderful dining by pumpkin light. I hope you all are having your own important October rituals!

p.s. The Socker Soccs are complete, kitchener'd to the glare of the TV late Monday night...I've started another lace project, I think you will be so proud! Keep coming back!


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