about time
If you are reading this you have GOT to reply so I know y'all are out there caring!
hee hee
Here I am: K. Ray, M. A. !!!!!!! SO psyched.
The stadium celebrations was the best. Waves, beach balls, and fun times. Hot as heck; we cooled off with beers at the Elephant Bar following the ceremony.
Nice Dad bought me the orchid lei; Best Friend brought me shell garlands, and P. #1 made me a special necklace of almonds, tied off with pink silk.
A week before I did the department ceremony. Pomp and circumstance, anyone!?
I am so proud of myself. Note to self: Good fucking job!!!!!
Do I look different to you?!
I tried to start 90 days raw the day after graduation, and it was a spectacular failure! Instead of beating myself up, however, I have embraced the process. It's OK to go slow, to incorporate what works (green smoothies, packing a lunch) with the pitfalls (trying recipes that suck, succumbing to junk food cravings) and to support myself in this important transition. I hope the blahg will cooperate for the next couple of weeks. I really have a lot to tell you all, in spite of being short a camera (oh yeah. more about that later)
Reply now people!!! Love ya
Oh! You graduated!! I have a grin as big as yours. I'm so happy for you! What an accomplishment! Bravo! And yes you do look different. So beautiful!
(At the bottom of your blog it says REMOVE STAT COUNTER IMMEDIATELY!)
Hey I was there! now I am here! So proud of my awsome wonder mom! Is it summer yet???
I am glad you finaly got back to you blog. Oh and you did inspire many others to add more raw to their diets with your 90day raw insperation even if it was short lived.
Aloha Raga
glad you are back and big congratulations from further down the pacific x
YAY! I found your blog and I'm enjoying reading through it.
<3 u!
I am so happy for you Kat! I miss hearing from you. Your blog site is a pleasure, and keeps me up to date on you and the family.
Thanks for sharing. Sure would be nice to have a one on one with you.
Kris Noel
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