Thursday, October 30, 2008

the times

Dropped in on an old friend who's been out to sea for awhile. We were on our way to the pumpkin patch. The times of late have been jam - packed, but calm somehow. Nice family times that feel connecting and nourishing, but definitely energetic. Not for the faint of heart.

Nice Dad and I are having lots of fun being parents lately. We share a deep admiration for the shiny being we share. She can ride a horse, feed the chickens, and get dressed by herself. Her word count is growing before my eyes as we read together, constantly - in the car, before bed, during spontaneous in between moments here and there. Last night we did a puzzle together while we ate dinner.

And here is what she wants for her birthday. Only four more weeks, Nice Dad.


Blogger LauraJ said...

she's growing up before my eyes. such a pretty girl! sweet puppy....puhhhhlllleeeeaassee on her behalf

6:05 PM  
Blogger Mom2fur said...

What a cutie! I bet she just loved cuddling the puppy.
Hey, thanks so much for my box! I blogged about it, but couldn't give you credit cause you forgot to include your name in the box, LOL! Susan sent me an e-mail, so next time I'm on my blog I'll give you credit for a wonderful box. I really enjoyed it and have gotten great use out of the napkins...I almost hate to put them away until next year, LOL!

7:15 PM  

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