Wednesday, April 09, 2008

my grotto

Observe my favorite escape. When we first moved into this house this room was a complete disaster. Plywood haphazardly created a step up in the middle as some kind of tub had been planned for the spot; a crumbling pottery sink and plenty of spiders completed the ambiance. For a couple of years I hated even going in there. It was pretty creepy.

When I got pregnant there was no way I was going to have the baby at home with no tub. So we salvaged this one from a neighbor's yard - I paid $200 for it and it has paid for itself over and over again. When it was installed the floor was evened out and I painted it with grey deck paint. A little hutch from Kmart and a really nice pedestal sink gave me comfort without affording too much space.

I have a tendency to build altars whereever I go, so the display above is sacred as well as sweet...loops of prayer beads and goddess necklace's, horsey girl's first blood talisman, a jangly shell belt from Maui. The painting was done for me by P. #1 for Christmas, she's great with tropical scenes. And a few angels and Mary thrown in for good guardian energy.

The smallest Princess was indeed born right here, though we did drain the water first. I labored about three hours in the water, and it was ecstatic and memorable. And the birth? Well, easy to clean up I guess.

Now it's my favorite retreat...I can't wait to jump in here as soon as I get home. Ah, the luxury.


Blogger LauraJ said...

It's beautiful! You know I see my little creation hanging in here. It should be there soon...soon! And I have now moved yours from the top of the cupboard to the kitchen table for the moment I can rip it open.

5:28 AM  

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