Wednesday, March 29, 2006

march memories

Krawuggl has reminded me to think back and remember fond memories of the month. In this way, what is remembered, lives. In a space of gratitude and happiness I remember...
the most amazing weather. Seven days of snow (not in a row). In several hours, we will have beat the record for March rainfall - EVER. It is absolutely dumping as I tap this, but here we are, snug as bugs, nesting quietly to the hum of the generator. Princess #2 knows where "wektwistery" comes from: "The sun, Mama."
Hence the hum. Making toast was the last straw.

And speaking of cooking, I loved how I was baking more in March. Hey, when you're training for a half marathon, you need more carbs, right? I also love how the girls were helping me in the kitchen too. Horsey girl can whip up just about anything she wants now with minimum help from me. It's also taught her about fractions better than any book could. She adores her Joy of Cooking and I may have to get her her own copy for her birthday. And P. #2 was into it too, crafting biscuit men, and emulating snow with flour in the process.
The sweet promise of Spring, and my daughter's hands...sometimes they look downright edible.
And the promise of new creative endeavors, as witnessed by the wonderful gifts received. Can you find the socks in this bowl of alpaca?

Beauty is everywhere...grab a spoon.


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