Friday, July 16, 2010

hawaiian day spa

I got some new furniture for my room.  The theme is Hawaiian Day Spa.  Nice Dad got me the cute sign a few years back.  I believe "aloha" means "hello,"  "goodbye"  AND  "I love you."

Orchids are the best investment as far as flowers go.  They bloom for weeks and, it you take good care of them and are very very lucky, they will keep living and bloom again in another year or so.  They are also perfect at creating an instant Hawaiian atmosphere.

I searched high and low to find the perfect set of drawers for this spot.  I finally found them - on sale no less! - at KMart.  The baskets, the bamboo handles, and the dark wood are all very vintage Hawaiian.  This is actually two sets (three drawers each) put together to achieve the perfect height.  Inside are all my refreshing spa treatments (with room at the bottom for some storage of odds and ends).

The smooth, dark top makes a nice altar spot for Green Tara, assorted crystals and my essential serums.  I am very big fan of organic anti - aging products.

The bulletin board on my closet door is not very spa - like, but holds essentials like a map of Paris, running schedules (gearing up to do a half marathon in October!) and a picture of Lady Gaga, my new obsession.  Got third row tickets to see her on my birthday!  Can't wait.

I'm sure she'd love the spa.


Blogger Raechelle said...

Lady Gaga sounds like a blast! Have fun!
Cute room! can't go wrong with a spa theme...or Hawaii!

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Aztechalo said...

A half-marathon!? That's awesome. I had no idea. I love your Hawaiian day spa theme. There's a store on Soquel near the Whole Foods that has some great Hawaiian stuff. _Marsha

9:41 PM  

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