Thursday, June 22, 2006

summer solstice altar

Left to right: dragon from Japan Town in SF; A "Learning Angel", gift from a student; my smoking Black Madonna, teeny tiny Tarot cards in the blue heart box; a yarn doll one of the girls made; Rosa, my stuffed curandera; a bottle of Chanel no.5; a velvet bag holding ribbon from my wedding; Green Tara; a stuffed winged heart inside a hand woven nest. My beanie baby dragon sits on an old old pillow I made from a thrifted patchwork square and some green velvet. It is stuffed with mugwort. In the foreground, P #2's wand lies across a ceramic kitty tile made by Horsey Girl. A white feather I found in Hawaii, and a box I made at Witch Camp.

Also present: St. Francis. To guard all these animals that seem to be flowing into my life. Two little goats are coming next week! Dh and I had a conversation. My main question was repeated over and over: "Are you sure? Are you sure?" Kind of like a parrot.

At Summer Solstice, we like to take advantage of the glorious light and make sand candles in the evening on the beach. These can be used at Winter Solstice celebrations or given as gifts.

Today we are off to pick berries. And Fuzzy is doing fine.


Blogger ACey said...

love it when people share their altar spaces

1:42 PM  

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