today was a great day because...
...I picked up my CSA box this morning. The ritual of unpacking this treasure chest each week is beyond compare. I relish lifting each fresh, crisp item out and "processing" it into storage. Five heads of lettuce are carefully wrapped in paper napkins to absorb moisture and popped into plastic bags. The tomatoes are mounded onto a favorite plate to add color to the kitchen counter. Tops of carrots and radishes are snipped and fed to the chickens (beet tops are processed like lettuce and savored for smoothies!) Root veggies go into recycled mesh bags and, along with squash and cucumbers, placed into the cooler drawer to stay nice and crisp. Heaven!!!
...this gorgeous bouquet was included in the box, along with a basket of melt in your mouth strawberries.
...I found this runner at my favorite thrift store today (see how perfectly it matches the flowers!), along with this book~a classic for raw foodists. Each item: $1.00.
...I did another yoga class with Jane this evening. She is, I believe, a true midwife for me. She is powerful, confident, warm, funny, and has arms to die for. I want what she's got! What a blessing.
What made your day great?
Your day does sound great! Mine was wonderful because I spent happy hour with my friends & family, celebrating my daughter's new job! :)
have a wonderful Friday!
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