Monday, July 27, 2009

road trip

Little P. and I have just arrived home from the Raw Health Expo in Santa Rosa.  She was a real trouper, sitting through seven hours of talks and demonstrations, trying some raw specialties at the Exhibit Hall, even munching some kale at the Farmer's Market that someone gave her.

Here I am with Cecilia Benjumea.
Cecilia talked about transitioning to raw foods in a sensible way.  She just exudes love and enthusiasm for her subject.  My favorite tip was to create four lists (I LOVE lists) of foods, entitled "always", "sometimes", "rarely", "never" according to how often you plan on eating them.  I found this tremendously helpful.  I personally plan on never eating meat or dairy again.  I'm supposed to try this for 30 days and let her know how it went.  Doesn't she just glow?  I look so red and tense compared to her.

I just bought Cherie Soria's newest book last week.  She did a great demonstration using a couple of the recipes.  She looks so fantastic, and she has great energy.  I would love to check out her school some day; for some reason I can't get the link to work, but it's called the Living Light Institute.

Cherie is very spiritual as well; her second talk was about making your life delicious.  She had some great things to say about self-esteem, treating yourself well, and creating the a life of abundance and joy.  Can you believe she is 62?!  I look older than she does here!

Victoria Boutenko was there, the Green Smoothie Queen herself.  I told her how she had changed my life with her formula.  She was pretty reserved in person, but quite animated during her demonstration of making green smoothies.  I like her scientific approach, and the way she carefully researches all of the information she presents.  She even studied chimpanzees for a while.  I have to say that the smoothies she made were a little too chunky for my taste.  I'm pretty sure I will always peel my mangos.  Here I am looking a little puffy.

Overall, it was a great experience.  I didn't learn anything new really, not surprising since I have read so very, very many books on the subject.  But it was great to meet these inspiring women and rub elbows with people sharing a common goal:  eating as clean and fresh as possible, sustaining the planet through our choices, and overall just feeling great.

What did YOU do this weekend?


Anonymous raw bloke said...

Thank you for your summary of your visit to the Raw Expo; I enjoyed reading it and linked it on raw food news site,

If you have any other summaries of presenters or known anyone who does, please let me know!

11:41 AM  
Blogger Zucchini Breath said...

Oh, NOW I know who you are! Raw bloke linked to me, too but didn't tell me. I had to find out by looking at my stats.

It was a great show, wasn't it?

8:24 PM  

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