Sunday, September 28, 2008

life skills

One reason we like Montessori school is that they teach the importance of life skills. The children are responsible for the orderly atmosphere in their classroom, and are active participants in taking care of their immediate world. In this way, P. #2 has learned to fold and put away her own clothes, tidy books, sort toys, feed her beloved chickens, and care for plants.

Can you spot the bee in this picture?

Little P and I made a mini garden in the front of the house about mid July. We started all the seeds in pots on the deck and we watered and cared for them diligently. I dug the beds and added house compost as well as manure. Then we dug holes and carefully transplanted our prizes, mulching them down with chicken house straw.

And the rewards for our efforts have come into bloom this past week. Glorious golden sunflowers nod and bob outside her bedroom window. These beauties seem to shine with light all their own.

Of course the bees are in heaven. It's like a big yellow fluffy trampoline in there.

Even more exciting was spotting this cute little baby pumpkin, and watching it practically triple in size every day. It's still swelling nicely, and is the recipient of constant care and attention; a nice little life lesson in nurturing.


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