Monday, January 04, 2010


My 10 Day Master Cleanse was a great success on many levels.  I felt truly free from food and obsessive thoughts about eating and cooking (though I did have eating dreams many nights).  I felt alert, light, clean and happy.  I did, however, get pretty hungry.

After it was over I segued back into normal eating, but since it was Christmas and all, I kinda forgot when to stop.  Before I knew it, I was eating all the things I said I wouldn't, and not in reasonable portions, either.  And though I am proud of my accomplishment in quitting alcohol and caffeine, there is much work to do cleaning up the mess of the holidays.  Too many wrong foods.

It's been pretty much eat, drink, and be merry for two weeks now.  Our party was a success; ND even fixed the tile and made the woodstove area so pretty.  I cooked my first turkey and everyone enjoyed.  We stayed up until 2 am, eating and telling stories and singing the songs we'd been practicing.  A glorious Solstice, followed by a fortnight of partying with the family (fudge involved), truffle parties (thanks to my BFF), a little token cooking and a lot of lounging around with tea and a stack of magazines.

Time to take stock.  The Master Cleanse taught me discipline; it also showed (like abstaining from the alcohol did) that once I set my mind to it, I am fixed on the goal.  My Leo friends understand.

Now to set the goal, and go for it!  No more crap.

What are your New Year's Goals?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww Just a little.. go for it.. clear and clean! I am with you well mostly.Started my paryer ties.. gotta be clear for my relations.
thanks for all the fun and love and more to come. Raga

11:30 AM  

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